Every year as the New Year's Day approaches many of us try to think of some SMART resolutions. SMART means, as you understand correctly Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based goals. Whether it is work related or your personal objective, I believe if we plan accordingly such goals could be accomplished. Thanks to a friend who added me to Facebook mid last year and in a cold December evening when I was still thinking what my New Year resolution for 2011 would be, I noticed that a friend has posted an interesting topic on his wall about preservation of nature, green peace etc. For a moment I thought many of us probably set goals for our career, which is good actually, but how about we all set an additional objective, a common objective for year 2011? True - we cannot cover all the wounds of the Guwahati hills with a green blanket immediately. Neither can we close the holes in the ozone layer completely. But we can be concerned; we can raise more and more awareness and actually do something. Now one might think how does that count? Would my work be of worth actually? It could be if we think smartly - let‟s go green in 2011 - In a SMARTer way!
Let us ask a few questions to ourselves. If you answer as Yes to a particular question below your score is 10. And out of 5 questions if you get 50 you probably care for this environment and I don‟t mind if you think you are wasting time reading my article! If you score 40 you are with me! But if you score 30 or less I think you have a great potential to do something for this planet. And please start doing this, here I have only provided 10 tips that I could think of. Of course there may be better and smarter ideas you may have then please share those and save our planet.
1. Do I use separate bins for disposing trash, recyclable products and batteries etc. at home?
2. When I print documents or slides in the office do I make I sure to select print on both sides?
3. Do I present live plants to people or as birthday gift to kids?
4. Do I maintain live plants at home or office? Or take time to do some indoor or outdoor gardening?
5. Do I occasionally talk or read about saving this planet for the future generation?
Whether you are a student, at home or in the office it counts! And here are my ten tips to go green this year.
Photo by Sarat Nath
Let us - 1. If possible replace printers that print only on one side with ones both-sides printing features 2. Encourage co-workers to distribute agenda/minutes/info etc. electronically. 3. Conduct some awareness seminar/ do a 'go green' day, like wear green shirt on a particular day to spread the message. 4. Keep separate bins for recyclable products; use this well known 'RE' theory- reduce, re-use, and recycle. We must not forget to educate our kids to do the same. 5. Plant some trees at home, if we don‟t have space, let‟s use tubs! 6. Make gardening a new hobby if we never did before. Just water them once a day and feel good all day! 7. Keep a small green plant at work/ home/ drawing room/ bathroom near windows if possible. 8. Keep the environment clean by disposing trash properly. 9. Limit use of plastic products; let‟s recycle them if ever used. Let‟s not burn plastic products in a place public is exposed to. 10. Lot more you could think of too; share your green ideas! Let‟s talk about it, read about it.
In my case, for implementation, at my work I found that the printer (I occasionally use a printer!) I was using earlier didn‟t have the both-sides printing feature. I found another printer which was quite a few cubes away could process that and I switched my default printer setting to that one. People use paper in the United States in a large scale. That means everyday a lot of trees are sacrificing their lives for us. In the last few months, to save paper and trees I have been more to electronic format of documents rather than using hard copies for my project works. Our magazine Bordoichila is a proud great example, it is produced in electronic format only, and however one may also print a copy if and only if needed. In today‟s world majority of us have access to electronic device to check documents!
My husband has a hobby of gardening which I enjoy too. He had a small just two inches tall Tulsi plant he bought from the Maple Grove temple last year which he nurtured so well that in couple of months it grew up to about a foot tall. It gives such a pleasure doing all this and a peace of mind as well.
First quarter of the year is already gone but that means we have three more quarters in hand for this year and its better late than never. Or at least let‟s make a habit of doing this. Our next generation would learn from us. Someone said this planet does not belong to us; we are just borrowing it from our future generations. April 22nd is the Earth Day. At least on that day please let‟s think once what we could do to keep the planet green? So who is with me and Bordoichila?
Let us ask a few questions to ourselves. If you answer as Yes to a particular question below your score is 10. And out of 5 questions if you get 50 you probably care for this environment and I don‟t mind if you think you are wasting time reading my article! If you score 40 you are with me! But if you score 30 or less I think you have a great potential to do something for this planet. And please start doing this, here I have only provided 10 tips that I could think of. Of course there may be better and smarter ideas you may have then please share those and save our planet.
1. Do I use separate bins for disposing trash, recyclable products and batteries etc. at home?
2. When I print documents or slides in the office do I make I sure to select print on both sides?
3. Do I present live plants to people or as birthday gift to kids?
4. Do I maintain live plants at home or office? Or take time to do some indoor or outdoor gardening?
5. Do I occasionally talk or read about saving this planet for the future generation?
Whether you are a student, at home or in the office it counts! And here are my ten tips to go green this year.
Photo by Sarat Nath
Let us - 1. If possible replace printers that print only on one side with ones both-sides printing features 2. Encourage co-workers to distribute agenda/minutes/info etc. electronically. 3. Conduct some awareness seminar/ do a 'go green' day, like wear green shirt on a particular day to spread the message. 4. Keep separate bins for recyclable products; use this well known 'RE' theory- reduce, re-use, and recycle. We must not forget to educate our kids to do the same. 5. Plant some trees at home, if we don‟t have space, let‟s use tubs! 6. Make gardening a new hobby if we never did before. Just water them once a day and feel good all day! 7. Keep a small green plant at work/ home/ drawing room/ bathroom near windows if possible. 8. Keep the environment clean by disposing trash properly. 9. Limit use of plastic products; let‟s recycle them if ever used. Let‟s not burn plastic products in a place public is exposed to. 10. Lot more you could think of too; share your green ideas! Let‟s talk about it, read about it.
In my case, for implementation, at my work I found that the printer (I occasionally use a printer!) I was using earlier didn‟t have the both-sides printing feature. I found another printer which was quite a few cubes away could process that and I switched my default printer setting to that one. People use paper in the United States in a large scale. That means everyday a lot of trees are sacrificing their lives for us. In the last few months, to save paper and trees I have been more to electronic format of documents rather than using hard copies for my project works. Our magazine Bordoichila is a proud great example, it is produced in electronic format only, and however one may also print a copy if and only if needed. In today‟s world majority of us have access to electronic device to check documents!
My husband has a hobby of gardening which I enjoy too. He had a small just two inches tall Tulsi plant he bought from the Maple Grove temple last year which he nurtured so well that in couple of months it grew up to about a foot tall. It gives such a pleasure doing all this and a peace of mind as well.
First quarter of the year is already gone but that means we have three more quarters in hand for this year and its better late than never. Or at least let‟s make a habit of doing this. Our next generation would learn from us. Someone said this planet does not belong to us; we are just borrowing it from our future generations. April 22nd is the Earth Day. At least on that day please let‟s think once what we could do to keep the planet green? So who is with me and Bordoichila?